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Victor Vran

This game was rated PEGI 16 for use of sexual expletives. Not appropriate for persons below 16 years of age.
The game world is divided in large areas representing the districts and the surroundings of the city of Zagoravia and adjacent dungeons. Each area has 5 specific challenges which grant various rewards upon completion.


PEGI leeftijdsadvies

16Bad Language

  • Beschikbaar op

    • PlayStation 4 (01/02/2017)
  • Uitgever

    Haemimont Games

Rating issues

Sexual expletives include the word ‘fuck’ and its derivatives which are both heard and displayed in subtitles.

Other issues

This is a top down, isometric view action game with a fixed viewpoint which means that the level of detail seen with regard to the characters and violence is somewhat limited. In concert with games of this type, the action is almost always frenetic, accompanied with lots of flashing light effects whenever a character is hit.
The level of violence within the game is, on the whole, dictated by the type of weapon being used by the player’s character. Some characters can be killed relatively quickly, whilst others can withstand a sustained attack before being killed. When a fantasy or human-like character is killed the death animation begins and the character dissolves into a fluid shape which then streams skyward and disappears. The game does contain the use of the word ‘bastard’, ‘bitch’ and ‘shit’.