This game is rated PEGI 18 which restricts availability to ADULTS ONLY and is not suitable for anyone below this age. This rating has been given due to strong violence and language.
Wolfenstein®: Cyberpilot™ brings virtual reality to the revolution against the Nazis. Paris. 1980. You’re the best hacker in town. Your mission: aid the French resistance by taking control of powerful Nazi war machines. Ram, gun down, and burn your way through the City of Love, leaving dead Nazis in your wake.
PEGI leeftijdsadvies
Beschikbaar op
PlayStation 4 (26/07/2019)
PC (26/07/2019)
ZeniMax Europe Limited/Bethesda Softworks Europe
Rating issues
The majority of the violence in the game is regarded as moderate, however when the larger robotic vehicles are used, the type of weapons available are able to cause greater damage to a human character such as dismemberment. The game also includes the infrequent use of the sexual expletive ‘fuck’ and its derivations.