The game was rated PEGI 12 for frequent mild violence and frequent use of mild language Not appropriate for persons below 12 years of age.
This is a virtual reality version of Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner HD Edition. Climb aboard Jehuty, your Orbital Frame Unit and fight to save the human colonies.
PEGI leeftijdsadvies
Beschikbaar op
PlayStation 4 (06/09/2018)
PC (06/09/2018)
Konami Digital Entertainment BV
Rating issues
Violence consists of armoured mobile battle suits, called Orbital Frame Units, fighting with a variety of projectile and melee weapons. During combat the Orbital Frame Units will receive damage which is indicated by flashes of bright coloured lights and a reduction in their health gauge. Much smaller robotic characters can be destroyed can be destroyed relatively quickly.
Mild language includes the words ‘damn’ and ‘hell’.